Recipe 100% Whole Wheat Bread

100% Whole Wheat Bread That’s Yummy

Use freshly-milled flour from about 7-1/2 cups hard white wheat. Food 079

Fit your bread mixer with the mixing paddle. I have a KitchenAid and a Bosch, but I like using the Bosch for bread making.

In the mixing bowl place:

5 cups warm water

4 cups whole wheat flour

1 cup gluten flour (you can buy it at the Good Earth or any other health food store)

1 tablespoon Saf-Instant dry yeast

1 cup raw, unfiltered honey (you can use less but I like the honey taste)

Food 080Mix ingredients until well incorporated. Let stand 15-20 min. to rise. It should bubble and foam up.








1 heaping tablespoon Himilayan Crystal salt or sea salt

1 heaping tablespoon lemon juice (I use the bottled lemon juice, but you could just as well use fresh organic lemon)

Mix, then change to dough hook, sprayed with olive oil and add:

4 cups flour

Mix some more, then add:

4 cups more flour

Mix, then add:

1 cup flour more, if needed to clean the bowl. Dough will be quite wet, but will be gathered into a ball. Kneed for about 9- 10 minutes, or until you can “window pane” a little bit of dough. *

*Window pane means stretching a bit of dough with your fingers until you can see light through it without it splitting apart. If it splits while doing this,
knead a little longer. Food 092

Cover and let it rise in bowl

until doubled in volume—about 30 minutes, depending on how hot the kitchen is and your altitude. Food 094 I live in the Rockies so it doesn’t take long.


Oil the work area and your hands with olive or coconut oil, then coax the dough from the bowl onto that area. Try not to deflate it as you divide it into four parts; pan out.Food 095 I use coconut oil to grease my pans, which allows the bread to slip right out after cooling a bit.




Let rise to 1-inch above the pan. Bake 350 degrees for 25 minutes or until a thermometer stuck into the back of the bread registers 180 degrees. I like to cover my bread with tin foil after about 10 minutes of baking to avoid over browning, which results because of the honey. If you like a deep brown crust, skip this step.

Let cool a few minutes and then turn out onto a cooling rack. After 5 minutes you can use an electric knife to slice the warm, moist bread so you can load on tons of honey butter and then dive in. CAUTION: Dont try this at home unless you don’t mind consuming the whole loaf at one sitting. Heehee


 Food 096

Food 098

Food 099



I take a slice of this bread whenever I’m on the run and need a quick nutritious lunch, because  I don’t stop at the fast food places.  Spread with peanut butter it carries an even bigger  punch of nutrition, but you don’t need it because it is  already high in protein.  Just add a few raw carrot sticks, a banana and some  cold spring water and you’ve got the best  lunch possibe.

Good luck with your baking. Don’t hesitate to ask questions and be sure to report back, even some pics would be good.  I want you to be as excited about this bread as I am, so let me know if you have any problems.  I will be glad to help you achieve your best whole wheat bread ever.



This post is part of the Tuesday Twister blog carnival hosted by

12 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    Hi, Marly! Thanks for sharing your recipe for bread in the Twister. You took great pictures and explained it all so well.

  2. 2

    Soccy said,

    This recipe sounds wonderful. I don’t have the white wheat berries, will that affect the recipe? Also, once you’ve added the final cup of flour, your instructions say to knead for 9-10 minutes. Is this done by hand or with the Bosch and dough hook?

    Thanks again and I look forward to trying this in my kitchen.

    • 3

      marly67 said,

      Hi Soccy,

      What kind of wheat do you have? Is it the hard red wheat? If so, this recipe will work, but the flavor might be a little stronger than with the white wheat. There really should be no difference in the recipe as far as the kind of wheat used, just the flavor.

      The 9-10 minutes kneading time is in the Bosch with the dough hook, but if you are doing it by hand or in any other mixer, knead until you can “window pane” a little piece of dough. That is what you are looking for with the kneading process, however you achieve it.

      Thanks for your comment and good luck in your baking. Let us know how your bread turns out.


  3. 4

    Soccy said,

    I have the Hard Red Wheat Berries. I will try this this weekend. Do you ever soak your dough before baking? Wondering if that changes anything.


  4. 5

    marly67 said,

    I haven’t tried “soaking” the dough yet for my bread, but I’m working on it. I think I’ve got it figured out, but I haven’t actually done it yet. I’ll let you know.

    Let us know how your bread turns out.

  5. 6

    Katie said,

    If we don’t have gluten flour, would you try leaving it out, or just go with a different recipe entirely?

  6. 7

    marly67 said,

    Try it without the gluten. You might have to add a little more flour, though. Maybe a whole cup, but add it gradually so you don’t get too much flour.

  7. 8

    Bstone said,

    Thanks for your recipe. It looks very similar to the one I use, except the lemon jc. Any idea what it does? Also, You don’t flatten it and then put in the pans? I always thought it would have big holes in it? I take it out make a rectangle roll and then thump on the counter. All, I think, to avoid holes??

  8. 9

    Marly67 said,

    Thanks for coming by, Bstone,

    The lemon juice helps to condition the dough so it is lighter and not so dense and heavy, as whole wheat bread has a tendancy to be.

    I don’t flatten and roll it into a loaf because that knocks the air out of it, making it heavier and denser also. Of course you need to make sure there are no extremely large holes in it.

    Here is my technique: I take the amount of dough I want for my loaf, which is one-fourth of my recipe above, and carefully stretch the surface of the dough on top around the loaf to the bottom, tucking the ends together. Actually, this is called “cloaking” the dough. Maybe you can find a video online that shows exactly how to do this process. Then I place ithe dough into the greased loafs and let it rise.

    Try it and see if it makes a difference. Good baking.

    • 10

      Bstone said,

      Thank you for your reply. I have one additional question. BTW I did find a video, looks easy enough. Wondering how you know if you have big air bubbles? This is what I was told the banging it on the counter was for. Goodness for years I have banged my poor bread. LOL Looking forward to nicer , lighter bread.

      • 11

        villainesse said,

        I watched a video to see ‘cloaking’ also, and after putting the dough in the pan, that baker used her hand, not to press out the air, but to equalize/level the top for evenness of baking.

  9. 12

    Marly67 said,

    I’ve never really had big bubbles when I “cloak” the dough. Please try this, at least on one loaf, to see if you like the results better than “banging your bread.” lol. Let me know how this works out.

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