Roasted Onions

Nothing smells better than onions roasting in the oven on a cold Thanksgiving day–unless it’s the TURKEY!  But anyway, for a side dish, roasted onions fit the bill.  And these are so easy to make.  5 minutes in prep time and 2 hours  in roasting time.


Large yellow onions (one onion makes 2 servings)

Olive oil

Sea salt

Fresh ground pepper



Trim off each end of the onion and peel away the first  layer of skin.   Slice onions  in half width-wise.  Cut a large X through the center of each half.  This allows the onions to cook quicker and keeps the oil and seasonings in place.  Arrange on a baking sheet.  I used a Pampered Chef  stoneware pan.  If you have one, use it because the flavor is so much better.  Spread each onion with a generous amount of  olive oil, at least a teaspoon per onion, and sprinkle with lots of sea salt and some pepper.  Bake with your turkey in a 350 degree oven for 1-1/2 to 2 hours until tender.   After you take it out of the oven, sprinkle with some parsley or dill to add a nice little  “visual touch.”

This post is part of  Wardeh’s Gallery of Thanksgiving Sides.  Don’t forget to check out all the other “Sides” at:

7 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    Haniya Jenan said,

    That looks delicious! 😀


  2. 3

    marly67 said,

    Thanks Haniya and Millie for visiting my site and for your sweet comments. If you like onions be sure to try this super easy recipe.
    Happy Thanksgiving.

  3. 4

    Jeanna said,

    I love onions and nevery would have thought of using them this way! I don’t know why! How simple.

  4. 5

    marly67 said,

    Jeanna, thanks for stopping by. I hope you have a fantastic Thanksgiving and please do try this super simple recipe. Let us know how it turns out.

  5. 6

    Stephanie said,

    Will white onions work? I know there can’t be that much difference, but I’ve always preferred white onions over yellow ones.

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